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Intro to Photography Wrap-Up


This past week was my exhibition for Intro to Photography, marking the completion of the class. It was a little stressful since I waited until the last minute to order prints, but once my pictures were up on the wall it was really good. Several friends stopped by to check out my work and that of other students. My work was somewhat unique in the room – most people took landscapes or architecture shots. There were a few really cool macro sets that I liked as well. The six shots I choose are posted in an Exhibition album.

To wrap-up this class, I also reviewed all my album descriptions. I didn’t really write about our fifth homework (a technical assignment on depth of field), but my shots for that are posted with accompanying descriptions.

Overall, taking this course was a lot of fun and has given me a great overview to the world of serious photography. I’ll be building my skills individually for a while but will likely be taking another course in the future.

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