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{ Category Archives } Studio and Lighting

Studio and Lighting Makeup Class

I recently went to a make-up class for the session I missed: using flash with ambient light.  For the rest of the course we had focused solely on shooting with strobes, but for this one session we learned how to capture part of the image with the strobes and the rest with ambient light. We […]

My First Studio Model Shoot

For the last Studio and Lighting class, a model was brought in and each student had the opportunity to shoot her however we liked. Only four (of the 8 in the class) students showed up, so we had plenty of time to get set up and take the shots we wanted. We were a little […]

Studio and Lighting: Second Half

My Studio and Lighting class is now over, although I did miss the fifth class and will be making that up in late September. I’ll cover classes 3, 4 and 6 in this post and then write another one about our model shoot in the last class. Class 3 covered the zone system, tone control […]

First 2 Studio and Lighting Sessions

The first two sessions of my Studio and Lighting course have been a combination of theory and practice.  Since it is difficult to practice the concepts at home since I (and most of my fellow classmates) do not have a lighting setup (or enough space to set one up), each class includes a studio shoot.  […]

New Course: Studio and Lighting

After almost a two year hiatus, I’ve enrolled in a new photography class, Studio and Lighting, at PhotoManhattan. This course was recommended by my instructor of Intro to Photography as a good way to practice achieving the proper exposure in my pictures. It also came recommended as I said I was interested in macro and […]